Why we quit learning music as we grow older?

Find out the common reasons why most of us quit learning Music and how you can build a positive mindset to stay engaged with you guitar, piano, ukulele and keep making music.


6/22/20232 min read

staying engaged with music
staying engaged with music

Music holds a special place in our lives, but as we grow older, many of us find ourselves gradually drifting away from our musical pursuits. Work, responsibilities, and the general "busy-ness" of life often take precedence, leaving little time for the melodies that once brought us joy. However, it's never too late to reignite our passion for music and incorporate it back into our daily lives. In this article, we will explore the factors that lead us to quit learning music and discuss practical strategies for overcoming these barriers. Let's embark on a journey to rediscover the joy of music together!

#1 Time Constraints and Reclaiming 15 Minutes of Musical Bliss

One of the most common reasons we quit learning music is the belief that we simply don't have enough time. Our hectic work schedules and other commitments can make it challenging to dedicate long hours to practice. However, we can break free from this limiting belief by reclaiming just 15 minutes a day for our musical pursuits. Rather than viewing practice as a daunting task, we can approach it as a meditative and playful experience. Whether it's singing, strumming chords on the guitar, experimenting with music-making apps, or engaging in simple compositions, these short sessions can become a delightful daily ritual that allows us to connect with the joy of music.

#2 Breaking Free from the Basics and Embracing Daily Enjoyable Practices

Another factor that often discourages us from continuing our musical journey is the feeling of being stuck at the basics. We may compare ourselves to accomplished musicians on the internet and believe we'll never reach their level. However, the key lies in consistent effort and embracing enjoyable practices. By focusing on simple and fun musical activities for short durations each day, we can build momentum and gradually improve our skills. Breaking complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps allows us to make progress without feeling overwhelmed. Remember, the path to mastery is paved with small, joyful steps.

#3 Liberating Music Learning from Traditional Approaches and Books

Many of us associate learning music with going through endless lessons and textbooks. The mere thought of studying can be daunting and discourage us from even starting. However, music at its core is simple. By embracing a different approach, we can start with simpler versions of songs and gradually expand our knowledge. Rather than being confined by traditional curriculums, we can focus on immediate performance and enjoyment. Once we have a solid foundation, the thirst for further exploration naturally develops. It's about empowering ourselves to do the research and dive into advanced topics when we're ready. This is the mindset that our learning community and programs are oriented towards.

Summing it Up

Learning music is a lifelong journey, and it's never too late to embark on that path once again. By reclaiming just 15 minutes of our day, approaching practice as a pleasurable experience, breaking free from the fear of being stuck, and liberating ourselves from traditional approaches, we can reignite the joy of learning music. Engaging in musical activities has numerous benefits for our mental and physical health, including stress reduction, improved cognitive abilities, and enhanced creativity. Let's prioritize our passion for music and make it an addictive daily activity. Embrace the positive mindset and explore our tailored services designed specifically for individuals in their 35+ age group. Together, let's rediscover the limitless possibilities that music holds for us.

Overcoming Barriers and Rediscovering the Joy